
“Holiday is Philip Barry's finest play and Cukor's loveliest film,” states Gary Carey unequivocally in “Cukor & Co.” “It shimmers with grace, intelligence and humor, and it is laced with deep feeling.” Cary Grant is the wealthy, idealistic young man who decides he has earned enough money for the time being and takes a “holiday” during which he plans to reassess his life. His journey no sooner begins, however, than he meets and falls in love with the younger daughter of a wealthy, snobbish family that threatens to devour him, ideals and all. Enter big sister Katharine Hepburn, and the holiday begins. As the family's black sheep--her intelligence and wit are at odds with the privilege that produced them--she is the perfect match for Grant, who falls in love again. Lew Ayres gives a memorable performance as Hepburn's passive, alcoholic brother, representing yet another side effect of materialism.

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