Friday, Jun 21, 1985
Holiday in Britain (Jutalomutazás)
The celebrated documentary filmmaker István Dárday, another graduate of the Film and Drama Academy, is credited with having launched the “Budapest School” of filmmaking, combining an intimate observation of detail with the skillful use of nonprofessional actors to infuse the most mundane of situations with irony and humor. In Holiday in Britain, his debut feature, he creates a satiric comedy out of the tale of a village lad, only modestly talented as a musician, who is nevertheless selected to accompany the Pioneers (an earnest Communist youth organization) on a tour to Britain. When his mother agrees and then suddenly withdraws her permission, the whole community becomes involved in the decision making, without the least regard to the wishes of the boy himself. Dárday has fun exploring the different mentalities of the peasant family and the pseudo-sophisticated politicos organizing the trip, and extracting the hypocrisy of both sides. Graham Petrie writes in History Must Answer to Man, “Much of the film was apparently improvised, with many of the characters playing the roles they perform in real life; despite its surface casualness, however, it is very carefully organized and contains some finely comic moments.”
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