Wednesday, Oct 31, 1984
Homicidal is so horrifying, in the view of its wily producer-director William Castle, that the Master's disembodied voice interrupts the film before the climax for a brief Fright Break--during which time those viewers too chicken to stay on are invited to accept a special offer by following a Yellow Streak to the Coward's Corner... But Homicidal is a clever, old-dark-house thriller (updated with gore), and we hope you'll stay to the chilling end. The story was inspired by a juicy news item from Scandinavia in the fifties, the nature of which we can't reveal.... Anyway, the film concerns a pretty young homicidal maniac named Emily (Jean Arless) who works in a gloomy mansion as a companion to her husband Warren's aged childhood nurse, now deaf and mute (a character quite nicely created by Eugenie Leontovich without a word). Enough said. Happy Halloween!
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