Hours for Jerome plus Ariel and Pneuma

“Dorsky's oeuvre brandishes at present a versatility not readily available in the current avant-garde film scene. ...Hours for Jerome is formally a representational montage work, and visually a cinematographer's textbook. At the opposite extreme, Ariel never touched a Bolex, yet its three-dimensional qualities exude a dazzling and delicious stream of images. The comparatively demanding Pneuma falls in between these two mighty poles as a snowblind investigation of the emulsion process as an active agent itself.... Pictorial elegance and humor aligned to a stringent intelligence produce a body of work not stinting in passionate grace.” Warren Sonbert
“A study of color and black-and-white film emulsions. Since 1972, I have made an extensive collection of outdated raw stock that has been processed without being exposed, and sometimes re-photographed in closer format. Here we find a world alive with the organic deterioration of film itself; a brilliant, colorful display close to the essence of cinema in its before-image, preconceptual purity.” N. Dorsky
• A film by Nathaniel Dorsky. (1983, 31 mins, Silent (18fps), Color, Print from Filmmaker)

Hours for Jerome
A film in the diary form, made of material shot from 1966 to 1970 and edited over a three-year period ending in 1982. “Hours for Jerome is an arrangement of images, energies and illuminations from daily life. These fragments of light revolve around the four seasons: Part One is spring and summer, Part Two is fall and winter.” N. Dorsky
• A film by Nathaniel Dorsky. (1982, 50 mins, Silent (24 fps), Color, Print from Filmmaker)

“A highly energetic and colorful display of abstract film, achieved with improvised home color processing and a physical, almost sculptural manipulation of the film surface.” N. Dorsky
• A film by Nathaniel Dorsky. (1983, 18 mins, Silent (18 fps), Color, Print from Filmmaker)

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