Hunting Ground (Coto de caza)

Coto de Caza, which won top honors in Spain for its script, provoked a great deal of controversy in the press for the questions it throws open regarding the causes and control of delinquency; while some critics cite it as an apology for vigilante action, others agree with the producers that the film is "a modern-day tragedy...a harsh film reflecting the sad reality of life today." The story involves a woman who, as a criminal lawyer, is convinced that society is responsible for delinquency. Following a brutal attack by a group of delinquent youths, her position changes and she betrays her ideals, avenging herself without waiting for the decision of the courts. As one critic notes, "The film is not an apology for violence, but the chronology of a double disillusionment: that a pacifist ends up overcome by violence, and that two worlds (bourgeois and proletariat) appear condemned never to understand one another."

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