I Can Get It for You Wholesale

"(A)striking intervention by Communist filmmakers in the field of 'the woman's film'is°a vehicle for Susan Hayward, I Can Get It for You Wholesale. The adaptation iscredited to Vera Caspary, a feminist mystery novelist and screenwriter who movedto England after her work on this film to escape the blacklist. The screenplay isthe work of Abraham Polonsky°and his screen credit for the script marked the lasttime his name would appear on the screen for almost twenty years. Directed byMichael Gordon°who was himself blacklisted from films for eight years, I Can GetIt for You Wholesale was in its time undoubtedly the clearest expression of acertain feminism rooted in the professional classes. It relates the struggles atalented fashion designer must face to preserve her autonomy against men 'whowant to own women.'"-Noë;l Burch

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