Sunday, Mar 5, 2006
I Have Seen...
Artists in Person
Six remarkable videos explore how in many aspects of their lives, women of color are faced with challenges and discrimination. In Sisters on the Sojourn (Moya Bailey, Takkara Brunson, Pier Smith, 2005, 23 mins, Beta SP), the courageous women of Atlanta's Spelman College battle misogyny in hip-hop culture. Brooklyn's Bridge to Jordan (Tina Mabry, 2005, 20 mins, Beta SP) portrays the social prejudice faced by many queer couples. Dolissa Medina's visceral experimental film 19: Victoria, Texas (2006, 4 mins, Color/B&W) questions the social policies that lead to human tragedy. Heesoo Kim's Reminiscent (Canada, 2005, 7.5 mins), a surreal piece set against a recurring nightmare, and Merlyn Bilas' Shanti (2004, 27 mins, In English and Hindi with English subtitles, Beta SP), a moving documentary about finally achieving peace, demonstrate how women fight battles within themselves. Sara Rashad's Tahara (2004, 17.5 mins, Beta SP) suspensefully portrays a mother's emotional journey as she decides whether to perpetuate an Egyptian cultural tradition of female circumcision.
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