Friday, Jan 29, 1988
I Like It Like That
Darnell Martin's debut feature is a tale of life on New York's 167th street, whereLisette (Lauren Vélez), mother of three, "hates her life" buthangs on to it with a comic vengeance. Lisette's sweet-talking husband, Chino,seems barely older than his kids and his by-the-book machismo is a batting boardagainst which she measures her love. Much like Paris Is Burning, this comedy haspeople trying anomie on for size just to get by in la vida loca. Just as herbrother Alex has long since become Alexis (and is a sister to her), thepractical-minded Lisette remakes herself into a knock-out chick to land arecord-company job (where her practical mindedness is her ticket after all). Whenshe transforms two hot Latino recording artists into the image of her Chino,identity comes full circle, and comes home. I Like It Like That manages to beearthy and effecting without being remotely down-to-earth-in its fever-pitch (thepitch of Lisette's life), neorealism meets Lucy Ricardo.
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