Ice Cream in Gleam

Amr Diyab, Egypt's most popular contemporary singer, stars in this upbeat revival of the musical genre. As a young aspiring singer with, as yet, no lyrics of his own to offer, Seif (Amr) comes to face the challenges of creativity within a changing society. Riding his motorcycle through the bustling streets of Cairo listening to a lively mixture of Elvis Presley and Abd al-Halim Hafiz on his walkman; living on his own in a garage-turned-apartment and engaging in a frankly sexual relationship; and eking a marginal but happy existence delivering video cassettes to neighborhood outlets, Seif waits for his break. Diyab's defining star vehicle in no way aspires to bring back the glory days of the 1950s genre. Rather, just as its protagonist is poised on the edge of stardom built strictly on his own terms, the film looks for a new path for the musical.

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