Imaginative Spaces: Intertwining Fact and Fiction

We are pleased to introduce our audience to the exciting works of two new filmmakers. Deborah Stratman's beautifully photographed From Hetty to Nancy (44 mins) records a trip to the Icelandic interior. Part of the film's pleasure is unraveling just how many trips it documents. Delightful travel letters relating the excursion of three English ladies and four school girls are read in voice-over, intercut with intriguing observations regarding natural history. Past and present, fact and fiction wonderfully intermingle in what the filmmaker calls a "small homage to early female forays into the adventure/travel-literature field and to the natural historians who fancied themselves poets." Sharon Lockhart has primarily worked as a visual artist; in her second film, the exquisite Goshogaoka (63 mins), she documents the practice sessions of a girls' junior high school basketball team in a suburban town in Japan. As her fixed camera and durational shots reveal the mesmerizing rhythm of the young girls' movements and the magic of the synchronisity of their routines, we participate in an exhilarating intertwining of ethnographic observation and pure art.-Kathy Geritz

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