Immoral Tales

Preceded by-Une collection particulière (Walerian Borowczyk, 1974): A Particular Collection. Pornography considered as one of the fine arts. (12 mins, Color, 35mm) (Contes immoraux). "Immoral Tales, a succès de scandale, was the second most popular French film of 1974. Scripted as usual by the director, it consists of four stories. `La Marée,' based on a story by André Pieyre de Mandiargues, deals with an earnest young man's sexual tutelage of his teenage cousin; `Thérèse philosophe' is about a young girl's progress from the discovery of masturbation to martyrdom; and the other two episodes deal respectively and exotically with the careers of the evil voluptuary Erzsébet Bathory and Lucrezia Borgia. Tom Milne wrote, ' not much concerned with the stories as such, or with the ubiquitous nudities...His interest lies rather with the way objects, annexed into private rituals, are metamorphosed by this association and his film emerges as something of an iconography of perverted desires.' The same might be said of Une collection particulière...In it Borowczyk (we see only his hands) displays the prime pieces from his collection of Victorian erotic toys and automata, described by Milne as `bizarre, witty, and wonderfully inventive.'" -- World Film Directors, John Wakeman, ed.

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