Tuesday, May 27, 1980
Instant Pictures
“A film of few words and extraordinary images, Instant Pictures follows Victor Veri through 24 hours in a strange town. He is, or may be, silent observer/secret photographer/spy/voyeur/curious bystander. Hidden cameras, secret mirrors, unobserved pursuits, the instant images of the Polaroid are his modus operandi.
“A woman comes into his field of vision. Intrigued, obsessed, he begins to follow her. But the straightforward relationship of pursuer to pursued, observer to observed, is rendered problematical, and Victor finds himself, at least temporarily, losing his detached, neutral identity as the un-involved onlooker.
“George Schouten is an independent film-maker, working in the Netherlands. He has made 16 films - shorts, a dramatised documentary, films for stage and ballet. Instant Pictures is the first film he has made wth a crew.” --Edinburgh Film Festival, 1979
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