• Friday, Feb 25, 1994


International Short Film Festival Oberhausen: "Way to the Neighbor": Selections from the International Competition

The varied and vital programs of the International Short Film Festival Oberhausen reflect its commitment to an ongoing examination of contemporary issues related to the short film format. "While other short film festivals are successful in proving that there is an audience for short film, the International Short Film Festival Oberhausen remains true to its tradition of placing artistic quality at the center of its selection. But what is artistic quality today? The unequal aesthetic developments of recent years cannot be overlooked. Although there is such a thing as global media aesthetics, such as the everyday television that has pervaded virtually the whole world and is monopolized by the West, there are also the so-called minorities who, vehemently and with growing confidence, are demanding recognition of their difference-a process that has continued in the USA for some time now and is at times relentlessly supressed...While we of the program commission can retreat behind our sensitivity, experience and competence, behind the insurmountable subjectivity of our selection and behind our chosen profile, working towards a decolonization of outlook is a task that is set for us all."-Angela Haardt, Festival Director Neregiu Zeme (Earth of the Blind, Audrius Stonys, Lithuania, 1991, 30 mins, B&W). La Course à l'abîme (The Ride to the Abyss, Georges Schwizgebel, Switzerland, 1992, 5 mins). 89mm Od Europy (89mm of Europe, Marcel Lozinski, Poland, 1993, 12 mins). Zefiro Torna or Scenes from the Life of George Maciunas (Jonas Mekas, USA, 1992, 34 mins, 16mm).(Program 1: c. 85 mins) Intermission Now I Am Yours (RESCHEDULED from FEBRUARY 8th show). (Nina Danino, UK, 1993, 31 mins, Color/B&W) Mexico (Mike Hoolboom/Steve Sanguedolce, Canada, 1992, 35 mins). Soldiers of Quingsha (Ma Shao Yong, UK/China, 12 mins, 3/4" video). Melanomen (Caroline Strubbe, Belgium, 1992, 18 mins, B&W). (Program 2: 65 mins; 16mm, Color, unless indicated otherwise)

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