Invisible Adversaries

“One of the richest avant-garde features of the 1970s, this unpredictable, messy film is a feminist reworking of Invasion of the Body Snatchers” (J. Hoberman, Village Voice). Austrian artist Valie Export's “psychological science fiction film . . . tells the story of Anna, a photographer and videomaker struggling to make sense of a world gone mad. Over the radio she hears of an invasion of ‘Hyksos'-invisible aliens bent on destroying the world by colonizing minds. These adversaries produce violence by changing humans from within. What follows is the disintegration of perception and society as experienced by Anna. Her relationship also begins to fall apart and the sexual, intellectual, and emotional confrontations between Anna and her lover become central to the film. Export brings together a variety of media-still photography, video, and body art-lending further schizophrenia to the narrative” (Jennifer Lovvorn).

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