Thursday, Jan 16, 2003
A counterfeit thousand-toman note turns up in a bazaar, and thus begins a journey through every stratum of Iranian society as the bill is palmed from one unknowing soul to the next, stranger and loved one alike. From a rich man who passes the note off on a beggar and gets 950 in change, to a family amusing themselves in the woods, to a back-alley abortionist's where life is not so amusing, to a desert wedding where the young bride weeps at her fate while the elderly groom slips the note to the musicians-so goes la ronde. Ironic and telling, Iranian Spread offers a human view of economic crisis where dignity itself is a commodity; the duped are quick to become dupers. Even more, it is a picture of money-how it comes into every minute of every day; how it gives direction and addles perception at the same time. And that's a picture of all of us.
Iranian Spread is repeated on Saturday, January 18.
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