Sunday, Apr 27, 1980
Jaime Davidovich Presents Works from Soho TV
Admission Free
The Artists Television Network, a non-profit organization, was incorporated in 1976. Its stated goal is to “seek new ways and means to experiment with cable television as an artistic medium, in terms of both work created for broad-cast and documentation of performances, exhibitions, and meetings of interest to the widest viewing audience.”
Soho TV, a project of ATN, grew out of an earlier group called Cable Soho that produced and showed several programs on Manhattan Cable's public access channels in 1976-77. In addition to the weekly exhibition on Manhattan Cable of programs produced by video artists - programs of performance, theater, dance and simulcast music - programming also includes interviews, art tapes, and panel/discussions/lectures videotaped for television. The ATN also facilitates and coordinates artists' productions, syndicates programming, and publishes and distributes a catalogue of works.
Jaime Davidovich, Executive Director and head of the programming committee, will speak about the ATN, its past and its future, and will present a program of tapes including: Interview/Performance, John Cage/Richard Kostelanetz; Artists' Shorts by Jean Depuy, Kit Fitzgerald, and John Sanborn; The Mutants of Beta Nova by Peter Grass; Frankie Tear Drop with lyrics by Suicide and Metropolis Video “Live from CBGB,” by Edit deAk.
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