Thursday, Oct 9, 1986
Japanese Experimental Films: Iel Jikken EigaTour '87, Program II
Please seeintroduction, October 7. Pulse (Keiichi Minegishi,1982, 6 min): A Phenakistoscope effect is created by an industrialstrobe light. Sora no E (Picture of the Sky) (Nobuhiro Kawanaka, 1985,16 min): The guest artist of last year's tour presents his newest film,a pictorial diary including images shot in the Old Blue Hotel inBerkeley. Sousa (Search) (Takashi Nakajima, 1985, 3 min): Communicationwith living creatures with sound: "living sound" must exist in soundlesscreatures just as it must in the human body. Summer Is Gone (MasanobuNakamura, 1977, 30 min): This controlled yet inspirational film findsits challenges in honest desire and an internal rhythm. Wiper (ItaruKato, 1985, 7 min): Recent automobile technology has been radicallyadvanced with the exception of the wiper, which still operates on arather primitive principle. Kato's nostalgic expression of the wipersomewhat resembles the mechanism of cinema. Oma Ga Doki (NobuhiroAihara, 1985, 6 min): Aihara's influential new animation is concernedwith color and the condensed imagery of his surroundings. Tawamure noTaiyousei (Yukio Hiruma, 1985, 7 min): A memorable summer day, dry andpale. A boy looks at the sunset with a feeling of longing. Hirumaattempts to convert this feeling into a film. Grim (Takashi Ito, 1985, 8min): Destroying real space and reconstituting it into cinematicexcitement is the essence of renowned filmmaker Takashi Ito's new piece.Tatsu Aoki
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