Sunday, Oct 1, 1995
The Jester
Preceded by short: Yosl Cutler and HisPuppets (U.S., 1935). (Kotlers Marionetn). This short preserves aperformance by the popular and intriguing puppet artist Yosl Cutler:"Half modernist, half folk artist?contemporaries remember him as araw, unharnessed talent, bursting with charm and ideas." (J.Hoberman) Several skits poke fun at Old World Jewish stereotypes. (18mins, In Yiddish with English subtitles, B&W, 16mm) (Der Purimspieler). "Set in a Galician shtetl beforeWorld War II, this muical comedy focuses on three characters: the sadvagabond peasant jester, Getsel; a vaudeville performer in a travelingcircus; and a shoemaker's daughter, whose father tries to marry her intoa prominent family. The climax is a traditional Purim festival duringwhich the performers drive off the rich suitor's family?" (NationalCenter for Jewish Film) "A wistful romance that's interspersed withsongs but rooted in the wisecracks and banter of oral Yiddish culture.Green's films are always part documentay-much of (The Jester) was shoton location in the crooked streets and ancient marketplaces of southernPoland, and even the studio scenes are populated by an army of Old WorldJewish extras." (J. Hoberman)
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