Tuesday, Feb 21, 1995
Jikken Eiga: Recent Experimental Films by Japanese Women
The 7th Japanese ExperimentalFilm/Video Tour offers a rare opportunity to view recent films byJapanese women. "The ratio of female independent filmmakers to malecounterparts is extremely small (and) has not changed for ten years.Such a situation marks a great contrast to that of other artisticfields. What has prevented women from entering media art? This is mainlydue to the fact that female artists have much more severe financialconditions. Another reason is the sense of inferiority that Japanesewomen feel when around machinery. Almost all filmmakers, organizers andaudience members are male. Some people argue that female filmmakersshould unite to produce films by themselves and organize screenings andmake an appeal to a female audience. However at this stage there is nosuch movement observed. In a situation where women do not have clearconsciousness of equal rights, it is difficult to encourage feminism andfoster solidarity among women. I, however, want to believe that theconditions for Japanese female filmmakers will be improved through atransitional period. They are now at the dawn of the history of Japanesefemale independent filmmaking".-Misuzu Nishimura, excerpted andcondensed from "On the Current Situation of Female IndependentFilmmakers in Japan" Our program includes thefollowing films, for which program notes will be available at thescreening: Walking Man (Harumi Ichise, 1993, 8 mins). To Mayu (AsakoSumii, 1993, 8 mins). A Dandelion, Rosaceae (Utako Koguchi, 1990, 8mins). The Flat Fresh (Talrana niku) (Yukako Murayama, Emi Yoshidome,1992, 17 mins). Endless Love (Yoko Oguchi, 1987, 35 mins,Super-8mm).
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