Just Like Weather (Meiguo Xin)

"This new feature from the director of Father and Son and Ah Ying shakes up a cocktail of fact and fiction unlike anything in recent world cinema. It centers on a young couple whose marriage is heading for the rocks. The wife is the breadwinner, with a job in real-estate; the husband dreams of saving the marriage by emigrating to join his mother in upstate New York. Between interviews and re-enacted scenes from their everyday lives, Fong entangles them in fictional episodes: an abortion, a shady used-car dealer, a randy veterinarian. On top of that, he folds the film in on itself by taking them to America to confront their indecisions, only to strand them in a snowdrift... Worries about Hong Kong's future after 1997 lie beneath the surface, but the surface is engrossing enough: Fong has an unerring feel for the ways that people speak, think, laugh, console and wound each other." Tony Rayns

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