Karin, Daughter of Ingmar

After the tremendous success of The Sons of Ingmar, Sjöström continued his adaption of Lagerlöf's story by following the next generation of Ingmarssons in Karin, Daughter of Ingmar. When her fiancé, Tims Halvor, turns up drunk, Karin breaks off her engagement fearing that he will become a drunkard. When she finally marries another man, Eljas, her worst fears are realized as Eljas himself turns to the bottle. Only after this great disappointment does she understand her love for her original fiancé. In answer to criticism, the depiction of nineteenth-century Dalecarlian folk culture takes additional steps towards historical and cultural accuracy, even as the film itself subtly asserts its mediating presence-most noticeably in the ending with its final nod to the camera.

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