King James Version

"In Robert Gardner's new film, Rachel Daniels is a twelve year old girl who lives in Harlem, caught between the contemporary religious values of her mother and the traditional religious beliefs of her father. When the mother leaves her church to become a street corner gospel preacher, her husband grudgingly acknowledges that his spouse has been "called forth," while indicating his strong disapproval of her fanatical fervor. In not-so-subtle ways the two parents vie for their daughter's religious alliance. Rachel is a silent witness to their bickering, struggling alone against peer pressure to abandon her fundamentalist peculiarities of behavior and dress. When Rachel is sent to the South for the summer, the lush romantic setting she finds is in stark contrast to her northern life. Her southern idyll results in an important revelation for Rachel: she sees the possibility of integrating religious belief and practice with social and community action." -Mia Amato

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