The Kiss Of Mary Pickford

“This film is a delightful ‘cine-joke' exploiting the personalities of Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks, and the popular Russian stage-and-screen comic Igor Ilinsky. It is both a tribute to Mary and Doug, and a satire on the excessive adulation of American film stars by jazz age Muscovites. Despite their professionalism, Pickford and Fairbanks were not aware that they were ‘starring' in a film when they made their celebrated visit to Russia in 1926. In their ignorance of Lev Kuleshov's editing innovations ‘they innocently permitted' a ‘Kuleshov graduate, Komarov, to film them in enough random activity to achive a full-length comedy....' (Jay Leyda, ‘Kino'). The story concerns a pretty film-studio worker (A. Sudakevich) who dreams of movie stardom, and is infatuated with film celebrities, and therefore rejects the love of a lowly ticket collector in a movie house (Ilinsky). She will marry him only if he, too, becomes a celebrity. By a series of very funny incidents, he receives a well-publicized kiss from the real Mary Pickford, making him an instant celebrity. The Kiss Of Mary Pickford is an excellent and entertaining illustration of Kuleshov's seminal theoretical observations on the construction of film reality through editing.”

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