Lady Windermere's Fan plus Film Clip

In 1925, Lubitsch daringly transposed Oscar Wilde's comedy of manners to the Twenties--and his memorable epigrams into visual "Lubitsch touches." Georges Sadoul, dean of film critics, called Lady Windermere's Fan "Lubitsch's best silent film, full of incisive details, discreet touches, nuances of gesture, where behavior betrays the character and discloses the sentiment of the personages." Irene Rich is the errant Mrs. Erlynne, who attempts to return to her long-abandoned place in high society with an entrance at the birthday party of her daughter, Lady Windermere (May McAvoy), who is ignorant of her parentage. Meanwhile, Ronald Colman, as Lord Darlington, contrives to lure Lady Windermere (and her fan) away from her husband.

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