Saturday, Dec 1, 2001
L'Amour d'une femme
Here is a chance to discover a postwar Grémillon film that is rarely shown and about which little has been written. Michelene Presle stars as a doctor sent to a small island to minister to the simple populace. She falls in love with a visiting engineer (Massimo Girotti) and must choose between love and work. Typical of Grémillon in its evocative, isolated locale "where quiet heroes and heroines (play) out their destinies of passion and crime," as Dudley Andrews writes, the film is signature in another way as well. Andrews: "Unique is the prominent place women hold in his dramas. From the wealthy femme fatale murdered by Gabin in Gueule d'amour to the independent professional woman who refuses to give up her medical career, even for love, (in) L'Amour d'une femme, women are shown to be far more prepossessed than the passionate but childish men who pursue them."
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