The Last Couple Out

With ascreenplay by Ingmar Bergman (and featuring actresses who would play key roles inBergman's own films-Bibi Andersson, Harriet Andersson, and Eva Dahlbeck), TheLast Couple Out updates the generational warfare depicted in Torment, anotherBergman screenplay. A young student, the son of a prominent lawyer, discoveringhis mother's illicit affair, becomes disenchanted with his bourgeois milieu andgirlfriend. He becomes drawn to a less decorous friend, Anita, who views herselfas an outcast from society. "The Last Couple Out has not altered the youngman's fear (as portrayed in Torment) of adults' betrayal, and has also added acommon middle-age dilemma: the grown-ups have renounced a great deal of thedictatorship they held over their children and therefore can no longer hide theirown weaknesses. Yet their almost-adult children don't want to, cannot or darenot, face the truth." (Bent Petersen, Sweden, 1957)

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