The Last Gangster

“Edward G. Robinson worked at MGM for the first time since 1929 in The Last Gangster. Meanwhile he had won immortality by snarling his way through a dozen Warner Bros. mobster epics. The movie's title admitted it was a latecomer in the genre, but gang warfare and Alcatraz sadism retained their compulsive fascination, and Robinson even managed to encompass paternal love in his public-enemy act.” --The MGM Story”
“Big time hoodlum Joe Krozac (Robinson) returns from his European honeymoon to find that another has taken over his gang. He arranges a reprisal, and is sent to prison for his efforts. His bride (Rose Stradner) eventually divorces him and weds a newsman (James Stewart) who adopts the gangster's son as his own. A decade later Joe is released and heads East to find his wife and son. Part of the intriguing focus of the film revolves around his adjusting to the changes time has wrought in all walks of life.” --“The Great Gangster Pictures”

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