The Last Stand in the Philippines (Los Últimos de Filipinas)

"Part of Franco's nationalist project called for a reinterpretation of Spanish history, one which would especially emphasize the glories of Spain's imperial past. A great box office and critical success, The Last Stand in the Philippines was based on the well-known story of Captain Las Moreras, who together with a small squadron was able to resist the conquering U.S. and Filipino armies for almost a year after the end of the Spanish-American War. Well-paced and crisply directed, the action scenes are deftly handled, director Román making the best of the limited spaces in which most of the fighting took place. The metaphoric implications of the story-Las Moreras and his men defending their doomed cause from the last Spanish-held territory in the islands, a village church-were probably not lost on contemporary spectators; regardless, The Last Stand in the Philippines is a solid, satisfying piece of work." -Richard Peña

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