Friday, Jan 17, 1986
Les Espions (The Spies)
(Note: This rare Clouzot film is shown in French with an English synopsis provided.) The themes of intrigue, manipulation and institutionalized terror that characterize Clouzot's Diabolique are again masterfully woven in Les Espions, in which an insane asylum is slowly taken over by a ring of atomic-age international spies. They include Peter Ustinov representing the USSR, Curd Jurgens from Austria, and Sam Jaffe from the U.S. The central role of the put-upon doctor in charge of the asylum is played by Gérard Séty, the French comic-singer in his first dramatic role. Clouzot's Brazilian wife Vera Clouzot, the victimized woman in Diabolique, here portrays a mute patient with equal aplomb. Typically, a weird humor underlies it all, but never detracts from the suspense.
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