A Litany for Survival: The Life and Work of Audre Lorde

Audre Lorde described herself as black, mother, lesbian, warrior, and poet. She was State Poet of New York, and she published over a dozen books-poems and essays alike articulating her visionary social and political thinking. The epic documentary Litany for Survival features intimate interviews with Lorde spanning the last seven years of her life, as well as with her children, colleagues, and noted artists and writers whom she influenced. Because Audre Lorde was who she was, the film touches on every social issue of the past four decades-segregation and integration in straight and gay society, interracial marriage, reproductive rights, lesbian and gay rights-but in such a personal way that we are left inspired by this woman who turned engagement itself into an art. Lorde's challenge was "to envision what has not yet been and work with every fibre of who we are to make the reality and pursuit of that vision irresistible."

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