Wednesday, Jul 16, 1980
7:30 pm
Little Red Devils (Red Imps)
“Jay Leyda considers Little Red Devils ‘the first Soviet (Georgian) film to compete successfully with all foreign products on the country's screens.' Set in the Ukraine during the Civil War, the film adopts the styles of an American adventure film a la Douglas Fairbanks (and D.W. Griffith), in narrating the exploits of two daredevil teen-agers (brother and sister) and a young black acrobat who volunteer as scouts in the Red Cavalry. Little Red Devils ran for years in Soviet film houses, and was reissued widely in 1943 with a new musical soundtrack. With Chapayev, it is the most popular Soviet film of all time. V. Sutyrin gives an interesting portrayal of the Anarchist leader Makhno, whose band of ‘bandits' is pursued by Budyenny's cavalry in the film's free-wheeling recreation of historical events.”
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