Long Shot

"This is the odyssey of a film producer trying to set up a feature film. Charlie (played by Scottish filmmaker Charles Gormley), a producer of short and documentary films, has been working with Neville, a TV writer, on a script for Gulf and Western, a story of 'hate, murder and revenge in the newly-developed oil fields and booming western frontier town of Aberdeen.' "Charlie meets an independent producer who thinks he can raise the money for the project, providing Charlie finds a name director. Charlie has set his mind on Hollywood veteran Sam Fuller, and he and Neville set off for the Edinburgh Film Festival, where the great man himself is expected as a guest. (Parts of this film were, in fact, shot at last year's Film Festival.) "They have the script, they have the promise of some finance; all they need now is Sam to say yes. But their objective, sometimes so close, proves tantalizingly elusive. Charlie and Neville's quest brings them in contact with a wide range of people involved in the British film-scene, and demonstrates the difficulties involved in trying to set up a feature film in Britain." --Edinburgh Film Festival, 1978

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