The Lost People

"A serious-perhapstoo serious-study of displaced persons and refugees clustered in a disused Germantheater after World War Two, The Lost People was a commercial failure in its day.Despite a good cast and an intriguing melodramatic framework, British audienceswere still too concerned about the long-delayed return of normalcy to their ownlives to care too much about the plight of still-antagonistic factions among thefreed but homeless Europeans. 'Democracy is what you fought for and democracy iswhat you're going to get!' states the British officer (Dennis Price) ratherthreateningly. Curiously, the film is much more interesting today as aretrospective prophecy of what is happening now in Bosnia and elsewhere inEurope. It offers no solutions because there were none, least of all Westernintervention. One can well understand its failure forty-six years ago but as amirror to current political problems, and the reasons for them, it isinvaluable."-William K. Everson

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