Friday, Nov 21, 2003
7:30 pm
The Lost Reels of Pancho Villa
(Los rollos perdides de Pancho Villa). A little-known fact: in 1914 the Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa signed with the Mutual Film Company of New York. They would film the battles, and he would fight in them (wearing special uniforms supplied by Mutual). The Battle of Ojinaga thus became “the first battle fought to be filmed”; the fate of the film shot to immortalize Villa's glory is now, ironically, unknown. Filmmaker Gregorio Rocha attempts to track down these lost reels, searching through archives and garages from Durango to Amsterdam, New York to El Paso, and discovering cinematic relics once considered missing, if considered at all. A film about film, its disappearance, its memory, and its historians (whether archivists or the descendants of filmmakers), The Lost Reels of Pancho Villa reveals the murky lines between “staged” documentary and “reel life” fiction, as Pancho Villa becomes “Pancho Villa,” his image pictured or invented, glorified or demonized. (Adding to the legacy, HBO recently filmed their own version of the 1914 Villa/Mutual collaboration, starring Antonio Banderas.)
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