The Lost Son (Der Verlorene Sohn)

“Romanticism, beauty and mysticism were three essential components of Trenker films, whether he was telling a narrative story or presenting a straight documentary. These elements are perfectly fused in one of his finest films, the openly sentimental and stylishly remarkable The Lost Son, in which Trenker plays an updated prodigal son who leaves his mountain home to come to New York in the depression years. Seldom has the Bowery looked so exhilarating, with New York's skyline photographed as if it were a magical mountain range. Though Trenker spoke English well enough for the films that were made as Hollywood or British co-productions, he never seemed quite at home in that tongue. On the other hand, since his screen character in such films was often someone who was not at home (the immigrant in The Lost Son) his less than total command of the language seemed exactly right--while his craggy, sunburned features obviously were right!” William K. Everson

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