Saturday, May 19, 1990
Love Affair or The Case of the Missing Switchboard Operator (Ljubavni slucaj ili tragedija sluzbenice PTT)
"A diabolically successful collage of comic, tragic, and iconic images inspired by the questions, `Will man be remodeled? Will future man retain certain old organs?' Makavejev's investigation, aided by lectures by an aged sexologist and a prominent criminologist, turns on a somewhat bizarre love affair involving a voluptuous telephone operator and a timid health inspector who is also an active member of the People's Rat Extermination Brigade. Makavejev's conclusions are somewhat pessimistic in the light of orthodox party ideals, but few films have ever expressed such love for mankind, his lower nature, his neuroses, and especially his most perverse sexual sublimations into social and technological institutions. The film contains one of the most beautiful love scenes (not a sex scene) ever recorded on film" (Tom Luddy). "As in Makavejev's other films, (these include A Man Is Not a Bird, W. R., Mysteries of the Organism and Sweet Movie) there are overtones of death that endow the love story with extremes of severity and exuberance. According to the film, emotions can be experienced at several levels: they can be violent and depressing, like the participants' lives, or they can be dispassionately analyzed through the microscope of medicine and criminology. But both experiences are embedded in a larger social reality, which is shown with black humor" (Yvette Biro).
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