Sunday, Nov 7, 2010
4:15 PM
Love One Another
Judith Rosenberg on Piano
(Die Gezeichneten, a.k.a. The Stigmatized Ones). Dreyer moved to Berlin for this film set during the 1905 Russian Revolution, using as actors emigrés from the recent 1917 Revolution (including members of Stanislavsky's troupe); actors from Max Reinhardt's company; and even Polish, Galician, and Russian extras found in Berlin's just-formed Jewish Quarter. An elaborate melodrama that links class, sexuality and anti-Semitism in a daring way, Love One Another tells of a Jewish schoolgirl, Hannah, who encounters racial hatred in school and grows up to become involved in revolutionary activities with a handsome student. Questions of Jewish identity versus revolutionary identity arise, but desire crosses these and other boundaries (with dire results) when Hannah falls in love with a bourgeois. David Bordwell writes in The Films of Carl Dreyer, "Love One Another was the first of Dreyer's films to attract attention in France, called by Riccioto Canudo 'one of those polyrhythmic frescoes that the artisans of the screen must soon create.”
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