Loves of a Blonde (Lasky jedne plavovlasky)

Milos Forman's his first international success. The blonde of the title is a naive, provincial girl working in an all-female factory town. At a factory dance, she meets a touring pianist from Prague and they sleep together, making the usual vows of love and promises of tomorrow. When tomorrow comes, he leaves and she follows, showing up at his parents' home, to the boy's surprise and his parents' consternation. It is only when she is forced to sleep alone while the boy and his scandalized parents sleep together in the next room that the message sinks in and she returns to her all-girl hostel. Among many memorable scenes is that in which three shy soldiers on leave try to pick up girls at a dance; here, all Forman's subtle observations on the pretenses and awkwardness of youth converge in bittersweet absurdity.

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