The Machine to Kill Bad People (La Macchina Ammazzacattivi)

This is a newly-subtitled print of one of Rossellini's rarest films. The Machine to Kill Bad People is a comedy inspired by the great Neapolitan character actor and playwright Eduardo De Filippo. The story concerns a little photographer, working in a small seaside town on the Sorrento Peninsula with very antique apparatus. One day he discovers that one of his cameras has developed the power of inflicting instant death on any person whom he photographs, or of whom he even photographs the photograph. Mingled with this motif are the misadventures of a group of American tourists, and an exposé of the corruption of local village officials. Rossellini abandoned this film before finishing it. The last scenes were filmed by his assistants, and the film was not seen until four years later when another company took over the editing.

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