Wednesday, Oct 30, 1996
Made in Hollywood
Preceded byshort: Vault (The Yonemotos, 1984). Oedipal phobias meet thestuff of advertising. A concert cellist has a vacuous love affair with anaffluent cowboy. Their fated relationship is captured with the polisheddetachment and self-important imagery typical of commercial spots. (11:45mins) With Made in Hollywood the L.A.-based Yonemotos havecreated an unwashed soap opera that doesn't cleanse the soul, it leaves itfeeling smudged. The dirt isn't so much in the plot, a satiric story of burstbubbles, but in the sly critique that permeates the drama. Tammy (PatriciaArquette), a naive bumpkin who leaves her beloved Granny to fulfill hertechnicolor dreams in the movies; and a couple of soured artists, Matt (RonVawter) and Mary (Mary Woronov), who abandon the Big Apple for Tinsel Town,pursue their dreams, only to find them reduced to convenient consumer size.Cloaking their videowork in the glossy garb of mainstream media, the Yonemotossubvert television by filling it with skewed perspectives, queasy emotions, anddisruptive tactics. In a perverse way, Made in Hollywood presents a picture of afading glitter industry supplanted by the pure pull of commerce: the dream itselfhas been scaled down to the dimensions of a thirty-second spot.-Steve Seid
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