Deadpan funny, Made in Hollywood presents the Glitter Biz dimmed by the tawdry pull of commerce. Here, Hollywood's glamorous past has withered, leaving behind a modern-day dream scaled to the dimensions of a thirty-second spot. In their stagy satire, the L.A.-based Yonemotos unspool a story of burst bubbles in which those drawn to the fantastical myth of Tinseltown find little more than a city of tarnished angels. Tammy (Patricia Arquette), a midwestern bumpkin, leaves her beloved Granny to fulfill her technicolor dreams in L.A., while a couple of soured artists, Matt (Ron Vawter) and Mary (Mary Woronov), abandon the Big Apple to pursue their own rather colorless aspirations. They find themselves marooned at the mansion of an aged movie mogul (Michael Lerner) whose empire has fallen to (barney) rubble. Using sly narrative disruptions and glossy stylizations, the Yonemotos skewer the Dream Factory as a place where image-obsession is as real as it gets.

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