Wednesday, Feb 21, 2001
Making Strange, Making Familiar
The prosaic takes on heightened meaning in these videoworks by reframing everyday objects, activities, and situations-rendering the real surreal, and reversing the seductions of cinematic spectacle. From the mesmerizing Good Afternoon Royal Tower, a portrait of a woman at work in the apartment rental business with its relentless drudgery and small triumphs, to the generous and extremely funny Le Beau Jacques, about two older women's obsession with Formula One racing, these are experiments with daily language, routine rituals, and performative reenactments. Quilliq, by an Inuit women's video collective, finds the poetic possibilities of self-representational documentary, while 1/4 MOON observes rural Nova Scotia in compelling, hyperreal tableaux. 98.3 KHz uses image-processing for a surreal vision of the perfectly ordinary, while Slang uses visual/aural layering to provide a darkly comic investigation of language and gender politics. Nor is Say's wordgame as innocent as it seems. Disaster deconstructs the seduction of the most visually appealing of unnatural disasters.
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