Wednesday, Jul 21, 2004
7:30 pm
The Maniacs Are Loose!
“We dare you to see the world's first horror movie made in Hallucinogenic Hypno-Vision,” the film's placard boldly announces. Hip hypnotist The Amazing Ormond then clues us in: Hypno-Vision will make you think that “bloodthirsty maniacs are all around you-not only on screen, but live maniacs in the audience!” Beyond that, words fail, except as the poster declares, “Terribly scary-but no danger.” What, no decapitated audience members? No abductions along the aisles? On screen, you'll get all that, as three escapees from the loony bin converge on L.A., equipped with an ax, a really big shiv, and a maniacal glee for their ghoulish goings-on. Not to be outdone by itself, this mayhem-mongering movie also sports that Steckler stud, Mad Dog Click, played by Steckler lookalike Cash Flagg. The Maniacs Are Loose! has got it all: heads that literally roll, starlet Liz Renay fresh out of prison, scissor slashing, a cameo by Arch Hall, Sr., and a cross-country race between a motorcycle and a horse with Flagg at the reins. And that's no hallucination.
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