Friday, Oct 11, 1996
Mark Cantor Presents an Evening of Jazz on Film
It has been five years sincejazz-film archivist Mark Cantor last shared an evening of jazz on film with PFAaudiences. In that time there have been many new discoveries and preservationefforts in the area of jazz film-as well as "old favorites" begging forrepeat screenings. Cantor will share two hours of film clips spotlighting some ofthe greatest names in jazz music as preserved on 16mm sound film. Many of theclips are unique or are exceedingly rare. Artists to be screened include CliffordBrown, Lester Young, Django Reinhart, Stephane Grappelli and the originalQuintette of the Hot Club of France, Charlie Parker, Joe Venuti, Bud Powell,Billy Holiday, and others-with a special tribute to the First Lady of Song, thelate Ella!nbsp;Fitzgerald. Cantor has been active as aresearcher and preservationist in the area of music on film for twenty-fiveyears. His interests range from the earliest of ragtime forms to the mostcontemporary expressions of the art form. His unique collection has been featuredin showcases around the world and provided the material for many documentariesincluding the Oscar-nominated A Great Day in Harlem.
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