The Mask and the Face of the Other and In Search of Our Fathers

Marco Williams in Person The Mask and the Face of the Other (Plamen Sjarov, Bulgaria, 1991). Made by a Czech director in Eastern Romania, this is a wordless picture of men and boys celebrating the New Year. (18 mins, No dialogue, Color, 3/4" video, projected) In Search of Our Fathers (Marco Williams, USA, 1992). Marco Williams made this film over a period of seven years, during which time he sought to learn about the father he never met, and to understand the dynamic of single mothers in the African American community. What he offers is a portrait of some rather ordinarily extraordinary women who, generation after generation, raised their children without fathers. Many wonderful personalities emerge, not the least intriguing of which is that of Marcos's mother, a bohemian in Paris who tries in every way to dodge her son's intense focus on the man she herself barely knew. (70 mins, Color, 16mm, From the Artist)

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