Saturday, Jan 12, 2013
8:10 pm
The Mercenary
The revolution will not be narcotized, at least not in Corbucci's rabble-rousing rebellion, which comes as a wake-up call to Mexican peasant leader Paco Roman (Tony Musante). Temporarily teamed with Kowalski, a taciturn mercenary portrayed by Franco Nero, Paco learns the value of resistance when his compatriots, fellow silver miners, are being strip-mined for their labors as well as their lode. Curly, a psychopathic thug played by Jack Palance in fey locks, is after the boodle of bullion, too. All these carousers are corralled in a story penned by Franco Solinas, who would soon ignite the screen with Queimada a.k.a. Burn! Corbucci's unmanacled manifesto gets high Marx.
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