Microphone Test (Proba de Microfon) plus Scurta Istorie

Sometimes the camera can reach into an individual to a point that is too private...or is nothing too private for the camera? Mircea Daneliuc emerged as a major talent with this film which uses a mixture of fiction and cinema-verité techniques to probe the role of media in contemporary society. Daneliuc himself plays the lead role, Nelu, a cameraman out on a routine human interest assignment who becomes inordinately interested in one of the humans when it becomes clear that she is an unwitting subject of his camera. Interest leads to love and then to obsession. “Our film,” Daneliuc has said, “is about a test--moral, not technical--that aims at both partners: the one who asks questions and the one who answers them.” With its extraordinary focus on detail, Microphone Test is an authentic look at contemporary Romanian life that ultimately puts us in the same position as Nelu.

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