Friday, Sep 1, 1995
Miss Julie
The fitful, sadomasochistic affair between the upper-class MissJulie (Anita Björk) and her father's valet, Jean (Ulf Palme), drawsclass warfare into the sexual realm. Sjöberg's daring cinematicexperiments would seem to propel this stunning production ofStrindberg's play far from the proscenium arch-but in fact remainfaithful to the theater's notion of unity of space, as EdgardoCozarinsky notes: "Strindberg's single act explodes in alldirections-memories of the characters' past, as well as their dreams,and even intimations of the future, are worked into an exactingstructure of flashbacks (and one flashforward), where the past is alwayspressing upon the present. The camera pans or tracks away from thecharacters to find them in the same space as they were long before, andlater goes back to them, (all) without cuts;°figures from the past walkby those of the present in the same static shot. This method°reinforces,paradoxically, the tragic, almost Dionysiac drive towards destructionfound in Strindberg's characters°"
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