Miss Oyu

A contemplative and ambiguousaccount of a love triangle, based on a Tanizaki story and translated throughMizoguchi's use of the long, mobile shot infused with emotion. Kinuyo Tanakaportrays a young widow who rebuffs the advances of a wealthy man, then becomesthe center of a scandal when he marries her sister to be near her. "Anexceptionally poignant melodrama°the period scenes among Kyoto gentry and thesqueeze between social proprieties and affairs of the heart evoked (Mizoguchi's)sensitive hand. There are many scenes of uniquely Japanese social rituals. At thecore is Tanaka°as the older sister who unwisely allows arranged marital customsto ruin three lives. The perennial mystery of Mizoguchi's films is his revelationof Tanaka's iron will and transcendental appeal°.The final shots of thedistraught husband among marshy reeds is reminiscent of soulmate Murnau'sSunrise." (Andrew Sarris/Tom Allen)

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