Friday, Sep 11, 1987
Molba (The Prayer)
One of the great films of recent years from Georgia and the USSR, Molba, made in 1968, was featured at the 1975 London Film Festival, where Brian Baxter noted: "It has been worth the wait, since it is quite surely a masterpiece and one of the most strikingly original and beautiful films ever made. It is shot in the deepest blacks and almost blinding whites, tightly compressing its complex tale of love, hate and revenge. The screenplay is taken from (two epic poems by Vazh Pshavel and these are) overlaid onto the soundtrack with a fine musical score, and supplement the sparse dialogue. Abuladze has managed to convey the 'epic' quality of the piece by superb use of the harsh landscapes and the integration of the characters within the surroundings. The central figure, Mindy, is a tragic, isolated figure at war with evil, in both specific and general terms. But what one finally remembers about the film is not the story, the adventure or the moments of tenderness, but the overwhelming images: the use of shadows, the riders stumbling over rocky terrain, the girl in the shimmering white dress heading towards the camera, the ritualistic hanging, the dreams and their confusion with reality." Molba and The Wishing Tree (see September 12) are the first two parts of a trilogy ending with Repentance (September 9).
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